TGIF!!!! This week has been one of those weeks that has felt like a month. Between car troubles ( now fixed) and dish washer troubles ( also fixed). But! It's finally the weekend and I get to spend time with Jake before his next business trip!
This morning I had one of my favorite breakfasts of a eggs/ egg white, tomato, and onion on whole wheat toast with a blood orange on the side!
I also had an awesome body pump class that I will be feeling later!! We did 143 over head tricep extensions and countless squats!! Whew!!
I love that this class is offered at our local gym along with the other Les Mills classes! They offered it at our other gym before we moved here and I'm so excited to take advantage of all these classes!!! It's essential for me to keep my workouts interesting or I will get in a rut!
But what I am REALLY excited about this weekend is what came in the mail yesterday:
FROZEN!!! I actually haven't seen it yet but I have watched the " Do you want to build a snowman" video more times than I care to share! I'm a Disney kid and always will be! I'm 24 and have most of my Disney favorites on DVD! Luckily for me I married a Disney kid too and Jake loves watching all of them with me!!!
Well, I better be getting off now. I am getting " the look" from the cats saying they are "starving".
This is Fifi's look when she has gone past the point of begging for food. So she sits and gives you the saddest puppy eyes until you cave.
And Max just looks grumpy and usually naps until I give them breakfast and/or dinner.
I hope you have a great weekend and I have some great recipes to post next week! Including a lot of my Instagram recipes I have. Follow me by clicking the link at the bottom of the page to see some of the future recipes!!