As long as I can remember I have loved cooking. My very first accomplishment was becoming the "Grilled Cheese Master" at my house and would make them for my little brothers growing up. As I grew, so did my taste and my awareness for nutrition, what flavors paired well together, and different cooking techniques. I have always read cook books as if they were novels and adored watching cooking shows with my mom. However, I wasn't introduced to "food blogging" until a few years ago in college. The first one I came upon was amazing ( Skinny Taste) she had it all. An adorable blog set up, tons of healthy and delicious recipes, and a large following. It didn't occur to me to start my own until a year ago. So I started my Instagram account and grew from there. I love creating and sharing my recipes with all of you and I hope you enjoy it too! Another wonderful thing blogging has introduced to my life are the wonderful people you get to "meet" in the blogging world. Today, I would like to introduce you to one of my friends and fellow Virginia blogger, Cook At Home Mom! She kindly invited me to participate in this blog
tour and I was thrilled with the idea! I started following Laura ( Cook at Home Mom) on Instagram and fell in love with her gorgeous photos and her passion for locally grown produce in Virginia!
Here is how this blog tour works: I will answer a few questions about myself, then I will feature a few other blogs that I urge you to check out!
1. What am I working on?
I am working on new series for The Kitcheneer called " Kitcheneer Facts of the Week" where I will share an interesting fact that ties in engineering science and cooking or about different types of food in general! I am very excited about it and can't wait to launch it soon!
2. How does my work differ from others in its genre?
All of the recipes I post are healthy. As in they are made with fresh ingredients, low in calories, and easy to take with you! I know how busy people can be and I also know people want to eat cleaner and healthier while they go to work, school, soccer practice. I like to provide a way to make these recipes portable and delicious!
3. Why do I write what I do?
I started this blog because I wanted to share my recipes with all of you. I have had these recipes stored for a long time and new ones pop in my head every day! I wanted to inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle and become active. I tied my engineering in with my cooking because it is a part of me and I want to let other women ( and men) know they can pursue their dreams in all aspects. Whether it be engineering, biology, teaching,painting, or anything you can think of! I want to work with others and for others to see their true potential inside and out.I know I have a long way to go but the idea was to build a positive community where I share my recipes and stories and you can share yours and we can build on each other!
4. How does my writing process work?
I don't really have a process per se. I usually write all my ideas and recipes down in a notebook as little blurps that don't make sense to any one else but me. Then I sit down and write my post down all at once. I do this because I am a natural procrastinator and I know if I stop then I won't finish this post until later...and later could mean anything. Today, tomorrow, next week? Or, I get this great idea for a post and it HAS to be on the internet like NOW.
Now let me introduce you to these 3 AMAZING bloggers that you absolutely positively HAVE to check out! Like NOW 😉
Laura, like me, is from Virginia and is all about cooking organic, local, healthy and unprocessed ingredients in her cooking. She also happens to take the most GORGEOUS photos I have ever seen. Please go check out her blog! I mean look at this Citrus Ginger Pound Cake with Candied Oranges!!! Stunning!
My next blogger is Theresa from Food Hunter's Guide to Cuisine! Theresa makes some of the most delicious and healthy recipes I have ever seen! She also gets some wonderful opportunities like meeting head chefs, traveling across the US and dining at wonderful restaurants, and trying new innovative products! I have "met" Theresa in the blogosphere and so happy I did! Please go check her out at Food Hunter's Guide to Cuisine! I mean how good does this Hazelnut Mocha Tart look???
My last but not least blogger/Instagramer is Camille! I "met" Cam through Instagram and she is pure joy! She is hilarious and a serious fit chick. She posts amazing videos and tutorials on working out tips, lifting weights, and healthy recipes! And I am so happy to introduce her to everyone! Please please please go check Cam out on her blog FlavorFit and her Instagram page cams_fitstagram!
She makes the BEST protein pancakes! Like seriously drop what your'e doing and make them now!
CaramApple Pancakes!
Lauren @ Healthy Delicious says
Gtreat post - I love the little peek "behind the scenes"
[email protected] says
Thanks Lauren! Maybe I will feature some more "behind the scenes" posts in the future! I just get so absorbed in the recipe that I forget!
Rebecca {foodie with family} says
What a wonderful series! I can't wait to discover some of these bloggers for myself!
[email protected] says
Thanks Rebecca! I loved this idea when Laura told me about it and would love the opportunity to do something like this again!
Laura says
Love love love this post! It's really great to learn a little bit more about you! I am definitely looking forward to your upcoming series!! Thanks for including me in this!
[email protected] says
Thank you for inviting me to participate Laura!! It was so much fun! I LOVED you tour post too and getting to know you better too! 🙂
Nutmeg Nanny says
What a fun new series!
Susan P. (@littleredkitchn) says
What a great blog tour and looking forward to your new weekly feature!
[email protected] says
Thank you Susan! I'm really excited about it too!
Angela {Mind Over Batter} says
New aspiration: Grilled Cheese Master. Love the title. I must become one. Now! Love the blog tour! Thank you for sharing more about yourself and these other great blogs!
[email protected] says
Hahaha it is and always will be my favorite title given by my then 6 year old little brother ( now 17). I used to add pepperoni in his and he LOVED it!
ecavalla says
Sounds like some great bloggers, and it was great to get to know you better!
foodyschmoody says
I love to learn more about fellow bloggers. Thanks for sharing your info and also recommending the others
Brenda@SugarFreeMom says
Thank you for sharing a little about you and 3 new bloggers to get to know!
Samantha says
Such a fun blog tour. I'm sorry I missed it! All of those recipes look so great!
Kim (Feed Me, Seymour) says
Grilled cheese master is an epic title. 🙂
veganinthefreezer says
Lots of good information and fun new blogs to visit. Thanks!
Paula - bell'alimento says
Such a great idea!
ashley says
Awww I love this idea!! Such a cool thing! "grilled cheese master" sounds like a great title 🙂
[email protected] says
hahaha thanks! My youngest brother gave me that title and I was more than happy to accept it lol
angiemcgowan says
These are some great bloggers!
Back for Seconds says
How fun! Thanks for sharing more about yourself and for introducing new fun blogs to red 🙂
Lisa @ The Wellness Wife says
Thanks for letting us know about these great blogs!
The Food Hunter says
Great blog tour....thanks for including me.
[email protected] says
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!