Hey there guys and gals! How was your weekend?
Ours was pretty active/productive minus Sunday evening where we just watched Jurassic Park and read books. Friday we did the Crossfit 15.3 WOD ( Workout of the Day). Which consisted of 50 Wall Balls and 200 single unders. I did the scaled version cause there was NO way muscle ups were happening. Muscle ups are pretty much the gold star of Crossfit aka one of the toughest movements you can do. And my admiration know no bounds to those who can do them and to those who nailed their first ones this past weekend! We then ended the night at our box's favorite :watering holes" aka Pueblos Tex Mex. It was so much fun to hang out with everyone outside the gym!
Oh, and did I mention we had an 80s theme? So I chose to go as Wayne from Wayne's World. Yea, Im kind of a goob.
Saturday we went to Richmond to spend the day with Jake's family and have dinner with them. I love weekends where we get to see them!
Sunday we got up really early and ran with one our friends. I am really trying to improve my speed/distance. I have never been into the whole running thing, but I feel really proud of myself for completing one of the longest runs I've ever done! I hope to add half a mile every week and work up to 6 miles for the 10k we will be running in a few months! Eeek!
I hope all of you have a wonderful week!
Here is our weekly meal plan:
Breakfasts: ( I like to alternate every other day)
2 Dark Chocolate Protein Waffles with a little bit of almond butter and ½ banana
1 Avocado Arugula Egg Toast
Lunches: Comforting Creamy Broccoli Soup from my Performance Paleo Cookbook with leftover protein ( chicken or turkey)
hard boiled egg
Celery with PB
Comforting Creamy Broccoli Soup with Crispy Italian Chicken Thighs from Performance Paleo Cookbook
Cabboodles with Turkey Meatballs
Cauliflower Crust Pizza with grilled chicken chunks, pineapple, and arugula
Yellow Fin Tuna with Roasted Veggies ( coming soon)
Valerie Hoff DeCarlo says
Love your plans and recipes! I meal plan too, maybe we could collaborate some time. 🙂
[email protected] says
Absolutely!!! 🙂
maryeaudet says
This looks great! I have the grilled lime steak tacos on my mind now...