Whole30 Weekly Meal Plan with Grocery List!
Doing a Whole30?
I am on my 8th round and I know how challenging it can be to plan and usually the following scenarios occur:
- What the hell am I making tonight?
- Peeking in the fridge in the wee hours of the morning trying to scavenge breakfast together, sigh, then grab 2 prepared hard boiled eggs, a banana, and some almonds before running out the door.
- Crap! I have no groceries!
- I DO NOT feel like making dinner- grabs compliant Chipotle bowl instead
- Everyone is whining about their “yucky” green dinner (aka a beautiful salad you prepared with grilled chicken) and you spend more time making something else for them while your dinner sits and waits for you
Sound familiar?
I know from experience that PLANNING IS ERRTHING on the Whole30. Without one, you’re screwed.
And I also know that having that grocery list handy is a lifesaver and helps you stick to a budget. That’s why I have done the hard work for you and you can click here to receive new recipe/post updates and receive your free Whole30 7-Day Meal Plan now!
All current subscribers will receive their copy in my next email going out tomorrow!
With all of that said, this Whole30 7 Day Meal Plan is full of recipes I have been making on repeat for the last several months or so and most can be made in less than 30 minutes! I also use leftovers A LOT for lunches so you will see that in this plan. Plus easy scrambles for breakfast, because I simply do not have the time to whip up something fancy (unless it’s those lazy Sunday mornings).
This meal plan is also interactive! Simply download and click around to instantly open all the recipes!
you will receive it after you confirm your email address
I really hope this meal plan will give you a break this week and save you some time. I know meal planning can be a daunting task, but trust me- it’s worth it!
Also, if you need additional meal plan ideas; I HIGHLY recommend Real Plans. Real Plans is a database FILLED with Whole30 (and many other dietary options) interface that allows you to customize a weekly meal plan WITH grocery lists! Go check it out here!
They have over 500 Whole30 recipes to choose from including some of mine!
And give me feedback! I love hearing your opinions! Do you want more meal plans??? More Whole30 recipes? More Paleo? Just healthy recipes in general? I’m taking requests!
*This post contains affiliate links. It helps keep The Kitcheneer in the kitchen!
Stacey says
My sister is doing this pkanvand has already lost 12lbs sine Jan 1. I want to try it.
Amy says
Yay! We are starting the whole 30 next month. So this will help so much.
Amanda says
You got this Amy!
Sally says
I'm looking forward to new options
Amanda says
Hi Sally! I am glad to hear you enjoyed this meal plan! I am in the process of creating a new one for the summer and also adding a new meal planning feature to this blog! Stay tuned!
Adela Wilson says
I can not access the 7 day sample menu
Amanda says
Hi Adela,
I just saw on facebook that your issue was resolved. Let me know if that isnt the case. But once you confirm your email subscription the download for the meal plan will be available in the email.
Amy says
Just tried one more time and for some reason it worked!! So never mind. Looks like I don't need help after all.
Amanda says
Oh good! I'm sorry you had difficulty! But glad you got it now! Thank you Amy!
Kelly @ Nosh and Nourish says
Haha!! I sooooooooooo relate to all those excuses. Especially the Chipotle one 🙂 Love that you made planning so much easier!!! Downloaded!
Amanda says
Haha right?! 😂 and thank you Kelly! I hope this helps out!!! 😁
Angie | Big Bear's Wife says
I love this so much! I really want to do the Whole30 again but I've been putting it off because I haven't had time to prep anything. Thank you for this!
Isabelle @ Crumb says
What a cool idea! I don't know if I have the willpower to stick to Whole 30 for more than a meal or two, but maybe with some proper planning and resources, I could actually make it work. 🙂
Amanda says
I hope this helps Isabelle!
LaurenKellyNutrition says
So helpful and what a great resource!
Amanda says
Thank you Lauren!
Alyssa | EverydayMaven says
Wow! That is such a great resource!
Lora @savoringitaly says
This is great, Amanda! You're providing a great resource for those that are on Whole30. It's so hard to stay focused on a plan like that when you're rushed, and this will keep anyone organized and on track!
Amanda says
I really hope so! I know how hard it is to plan this out let alone eliminate all of this stuff from your diet I just want to make it easier for everyone 🙂
Suzy | The Mediterranean Dish says
Great resource! Thanks for sharing.
Amanda says
Thanks Suzy!
Katrin says
I have always wanted to be more organised. I am normally in a panic half an hour before dinner - with an empty fridge!
Bintu - Recipes From A Pantry says
A meal plan can help so much in sticking to a budget and eating healthily,
Amanda says
It really helps a lot! Thank you so much!
Erren says
This is really helpful thank you!
Amanda says
I am so happy you enjoyed it! Thank you Erren!
Allison - Celebrating Sweets says
I'm not doing Whole 30 but I can always use some healthy meal prep and shopping inspiration.
Amanda says
I hope this helps! Thank you Allison!
Stephanie says
This is such a wonderful resource! Thank you!
Amanda says
Thank you Stephanie!!! I hope it helps!