These sweet potato pancakes with cranberry apple jam are "jam-packed" with FALL flavor and will soon be your favorite jam too.
Sorry (not sorry) for my puns.
But I am ALL about these stacks. I basically used my Sweet Potato Waffle recipe (which apparently went viral in Pinterest???) SO happy about that but it was one of my first recipes EVER here on The Kitcheneer and I sort of cringe at the photos. Maybe someday when Doc Brown brings us an Oprah-giving style of time traveling DeLoreans I will have time to reshoot that recipe. Adding it to my ever growing blogging list as I type.
You see, time hasn't been my friend as of late. With moving to the new house came a longer commute to my old job (over an hour's drive each way!) and I drive straight to the gym for the 4:30 class and by the time I get home, shower, make dinner, and snuggle with my hubs and a kitty (or two) IT.IS.BEDTIME. I have still not unpacked everything, the kitchen cabinets need to be painted, need to have some folks come out to estimate the island and countertop remodel, and countless other things that come with being a first time home owner. LOVE my dream house and just can't wait for everything to have a place.
It also doesn't help with Joanna Gaine's new Target line release. I mean, c'mon. Just take my money. I want everything! Anyone else feel the same??
But I have been trying to at least have 1 day (or at least ½ a day) to embrace the PJ life and just watch tv and veg out. Which is where I turn to my favorite healthy comfort foods like mashed potatoes, stews, and pancakes.
So last weekend, I woke up late (late is 7AM for us) and padded my way downstairs to our Keurig machine, pressed the large button and whisked up a batch of pancakes with some jam and had a wonderful RELAXING morning with Jake while watching Mind Hunters on Netflix. Anyone else love that show??? Cant stop wont stop.
Ok, back to all things sweet potato pancakes.
These pancakes are filled with nothing more than mashed sweet potato, eggs, a little almond flour, and spices. The end.
I like to keep my recipes on The Kitcheneer healthy, wholesome, and made with real food. After completing many round of the Whole30, I now know what my body enjoys and what it doesn't. I have also completed my first cutting experience which helped tremndously with portioning. Now, I simply incorporate the knowledge from both. Although, I do plan on doing another cut (Crossfit lingo for diet with strong emphasis on macros and lots and lots of broccoli farts - SORRY JAKE) But hey, if it works it works!
The point is, these sweet potato pancakes are absolutely perfect for those crisp fall mornings and that cranberry apple jam is a MUST here.
It's so so easy and done within the same time as your pancakes. Or you can make the jam in advance to have extra chill time on a Sunday morning.
And as always, coffee is mandatory.
Amy says
I'm trying this right now and my pancakes look nothing like your pancakes! Really thick and lumpy. I've added water and I'll add some more. I'm clearly not a cook! 🙂
Amanda says
Hi Amy!
These did take me a couple of tries to make them look nice! Sweet potato is not the easiest to work with and I had to add water or flour by the tablespoon to get the right consistency.