The Kitcheneer’s Weekly Meal Plan {Week 4}
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend! I also hope you stayed warm because it is FREEZING out there!
We had a great Valentine’s Day! Jake got up super early and brought back my favorite Starbuck’s coffee (Skinny Vanilla Latte), flowers, and a balloon! And asked if I would be his Valentine! I heart him.
Then we left for a Sweetheart workout at our box. It was fun! All the workouts were couples oriented. And had to finish them together! We did 150 wall balls ( 75 each) then as many burpees as you could in 14 minutes. Unfortunately we did the wall balls too fast and had to do lots of burpees in the remaining time! And this was only half the workout. We then did 50 weighted sit ups, 40 KBS, 30 box jumps, 20 push presses, 10 pushups. We were exhausted but still smiling! Even though during I have a hatred for burpees with the passion of a thousand suns, but afterwards I feel pretty good about them. It’s a love/hate thing.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing by the fire and Jake cooked a romantic dinner for us. Eggplant Parmesan and salad! It was delicious. My husband’s a good chef!
Sunday was also spent resting and making some recipes to photograph. Then we stayed up too late watching SNL’s 40th anniversary special. And I was a complete fan girl when Paul McCartney performed. I am a Beatles freak and am only missing a few vinyls from my collection. I need the first one! And wasn’t the Jeopardy skit hilarious??? I was crying from laughing so hard! Did you watch SNL this past weekend?
Here is our meal plan for this week:
Breakfast: Chocolate Proats
Snack: Blood Orange
Lunch: Antipasto Salad (Coming soon!)
Snack: Cheese Stick
Dinner: Very Veggie Minestrone Soup
Breakfast: Strawberries and Cream Quinoa
Snack: ¼ cup of unsalted nuts
Lunch: Very Veggie Minestrone Soup
Snack: Celery with some reduced fat cream cheese
Dinner: Coffee rubbed chicken sandwich with roasted veggies (eggplant, bell pepper, and zucchini)
Breakfast: Veggie Egg Scramble: 1 egg 3 egg whites with leftover roasted veggies
Snack: Blood Orange
Lunch: Coffee rubbed chicken on a bed of arugula, cherry tomatoes, red onion, cucumbers, and olive oil and vinegar
Snack: 2 unsalted rice cakes with 2 oz ham and yellow mustard
Dinner: Chicken sausage and bell pepper stuffed spaghetti squash
Breakfast: Pumpkin Protein Pancakes
Snack: Quest Bar
Lunch: Very Veggie Minestrone
Snack: Granny Smith Apple
Dinner: Taco Salad
Breakfast: Strawberries and Cream Quinoa
Snack: cheese stick
Lunch: Chicken Sausage and pepper stuffed spaghetti squash
Snack: unsalted rice cake with 1 tbs almond butter with ½ of a banana
Dinner: La Flaka Salad
Hope all of you stay warm and safe this week!
And in the spirit of Valentine’s Day and The Beatles, I leave you with one of my favorites:
Lauren @ Healthy Delicious says
It sounds like you had a great weekend. That eggplant parm looks incredible and it's so sweet that he cooked dinner!
Coleen (@TheRedheadBaker) says
A couples workout! What a neat idea! My fiance and I are both runners, but we can't run together, because one of us has to stay home with our young son. Great meal plan! I plan our dinners, but not breakfasts and lunches. I should start doing that!
bigbearswife says
It's still freezing here and I can't wait for it to warm up!!! I'll be making that Very Veggie Minestrone Soup soon to help us keep warm!
[email protected] says
Sounds like perfection all-around! Love that you do a couples workout...jealous!!
Nutmeg Nanny says
It's sooooo cold here too. I'm trying to stay warm but it's hard. Your meal plan looks totally delicious. I say this every time but I really need to start meal planning!
Anita Chu says
Your guy is the sweetest! And great meal plan - I want to try the strawberries and cream quinoa!
Heather Schmitt-Gonzalez | says
I love it when my guys cooks for me...but he's never made eggplant parm - that looks spectacular!
Brenda@Sugar-Free Mom says
Your hubby cooked eggplant parm?? What a sweetie! Sounds like a good guy and a lovely Valentine's day you had!
Erin @ Texanerin Baking says
Couples oriented workouts sound fun! I hate exercising but if I could take my husband with me it could be doable. 😉 And great meal plan!
cookincanuck says
How fun that all of the workouts were for couples! That sounds like a great way to kick off Valentine's Day. I need to try that strawberries and cream quinoa!
angiemcgowan says
We did watch most of the SNL special, I fell asleep though. I did get to see that Jeopardy skit, it was awesome! My fav of all time though is Debbie Downer. The best!
veganinthefreezer says
Love this song! Thanks so much and keep warm. Your husband is a really good chef!
Martha @ A Family Feast says
Sounds like a great meal plan! Thanks for the inspiration!
The Food Hunter says
I love that you workout together.
comfortablydomestic says
That Jake is a keeper for sure! Working out with your sweetie is so much fun. Looks like you'll be eating well this week.